Week 3

Feet wetting in Git Workflow

Git workflow is one of the most important aspects of contributing to open source. Many a times I have wanted to contribute to a repository that I believe could use some of my skills – which isn’t many to begin with – but had to step back since I hadn’t the foggiest on how to open pull requests and handle forks.

This week’s endeavors focused on exactly that. I made a fork of an instructor provided repository and cloned it into my local machine. Interestingly enough, I also set an upstream through the command git remote add which I had no knowledge of previously. I reckon it is used to keep track of the changes other users make to the canonical repository.

Being the heretic I am, I added f0cus10.cpp on my fork of the repository and opened a pull request to the canonical one.

Now, I wait.

Written before or on September 26, 2018